10 ways that Comfone builds company culture

Company Culture

In this blog, I discuss the ways in which Comfone creates a positive company culture to bring motivation and workplace satisfaction to our team. Why is a strong company culture important? In a recent study, 88% of employees researched believed that a strong company culture is key to business success, and a positive work culture […]

Best practices for building a new software service from scratch


A new project always starts with a spark, an idea. In my case, we had an older service that was coming to its peak capacity and needed to be replaced with a more up-to-date and efficient service. The service is responsible to keep our internal data in sync with our signalling control instance. I was […]

Providing new hardware during COVID-19


In this blog, I will discuss the challenges our company faced when procuring new laptops and other hardware to our colleagues around the world during a global pandemic, and how we overcome these challenges to reach success. What drives a company forward? There are many different things that drive a company forward, and help to […]

Switzerland, innovation and Comfone


In this blog post, I will discuss Switzerland’s record in innovation, and how Comfone supports this through Design Thinking. I am originally from Spain, and my path led me to Switzerland when I married a Swiss guy. I have to admit that before I moved here, the only things I knew about this country were […]

Roaming is about cooperation


Roaming can be turned on by our phones in one swipe, but it’s not 1-swipe task for operators to implement. On average, each single network is connected to 600-700 other networks around the world. This allows subscribers to roam reliably worldwide. Did you know and there are more than 1200 operators globally? Roaming agreements This […]

200 million MongoDB document inserts per hour with Kubernetes


The word ‘Kubernetes‘ is creating a buzz throughout the world of technology right now. It seems that everyone is interested in discussing the theory and concept, but we had not heard of anyone else putting any theory into practice. That is, until now. Here at Comfone, we asked ourselves the following question: Is Kubernetes a […]

The Future of Roaming


In the roaming industry, progress is fast. Subscribers’ expectations are constantly increasing, the industry is expanding to include new groups and devices and we all need to keep moving forward. One of the biggest challenges in our industry is to anticipate the direction that the industry will take. We all need to plan our next […]

The challenges of finding an international job during a pandemic


In this blog, I will discuss my experience of finishing my degree, and looking for an international job, all throughout COVID-19. Completing my Master’s degree The first difference came last year when I was presenting my Master’s thesis. After many years and countless hours of studying, writing, working and learning, it finally culminated in a […]

Staying positive during a pandemic

Challenge accepted

From home office requirements to a lack of travel, we have all had to find new ways to cope during the pandemic. For me, I have learnt to accept the situation, and do the best with what I have got. Positive thinking has been vital! In this blog I will share the good things that I have […]