

Unmute silent roamers and gain revenue

How do you unmute silent roamers and gain revenue?


We all know that when it is utilised correctly, Big Data provides invaluable insights into our businesses and can open up new revenue streams.


But the problem is, the solution that it brings is also the problem.


How does one possibly go about analysing this data?

You know the drill. We are busy, everyone is already working to capacity. How do we fit in time, resources and skills to analyse Big Data? What are we looking for? And how do we know when we’ve found it?


What happens when we don’t analyse our Big Data?

With all of the other things going on, we might take the decision to leave the Big Data alone for now, and come back to it when we are not busy with other tasks.


The problem with not analysing this Big Data is that your competitors are analysing theirs. They are learning about how to do more with less, whilst you are not.


And what does that mean?


Well, you could be missing out on some serious opportunities to make more money.


Back to basics: how can we obtain Big Data from our roaming services?

You are constantly recording data from all of your roaming traffic. This includes:

  • IPX transactions or all protocols, including Sigtran, GTP-C, S6a, DNS
  • Clearing data stores all details of CDRs, creating huge amounts of data
  • IoT and M2M devices, with complex data that cannot be processed by traditional methods

This Big Data can teach us many different things about your subscribers, and this helps you understand better their roaming behaviours, patterns and reasons for taking certain actions.


By getting to understand your subscribers better, we know their needs and expectations, and when you act on these, it can translate into happier customers and more revenue streams.


In this blog, we are focusing on unmuting Silent Roamers.


Who are the Silent Roamers?


Silent Roamers are subscribers who, when they travel, opt not to use roaming services.


There could be a number of reasons why Silent Roamers opt out of using roaming services abroad.


Maybe they are wary of bill shock.


Perhaps they did not see the Welcome SMS and thus do not know the rates.


The SMS might have been received at the wrong time.


They might not know their data roaming package.


Is it possible that they are buying local SIM cards?


If you can leverage your Silent Roamers to unmute, this could mean a huge increase in roaming revenue for your business.


How do we unmute the Silent Roamers?

Comfone’s DMS team start the process by analysing the types of traffic that you have in your network.


They first must determine whether you have a business case involving Silent Roamers. It might be that you do not have many Silent Roamers on your network, but you have a lot of Permanent Roamers, Border Roamers, M2M or IoT devices, or many other scenarios that they can identify for you.


Once they have established an opportunity for you to make more revenue, they run a report to identify and visualise the Silent Roamers in your network.


This report can then be used to target your Silent Roamers with attractive roaming packages.


How do we do it?

Comfone’s DMS is the logical evolution of the Key2roam Platform. This unique ecosystem contains within it all of the core services required to establish international roaming.


You are not required to have services with Comfone in order to benefit from DMS, because we work with any system to utilise the vast amounts of data produced and stored every day. Our technical experts act as consultants, providing business insights and working with you to get the most out of this recorded information. However if you are already a Comfone IPX, DC or FC customer, the DMS team is able to retrieve your data easily to provide you with the reports you need.


With knowledge spanning the entire industry, Comfone’s DMS provides tailor made business cases designed to help you get the most from your business.


Are you interested in finding out more?

Contact the team today at to discuss this Silent Roamers scenario or any other Big Data needs you might have.



About the author

Hattie Boggis

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